Vert Shock Week 1: The Pre-Shock Phase Workouts

I will share, in this post, my feelings towards the first week of Vert Shock exercises. In this, and the next following weeks, I will be posting a quick recap on the amount of time it took to complete the workouts and the intensity of the exercises.

The first week of the program is over, and I can already tell that my body is “shocked” right from the beginning. I could immediately feel like my body was getting used to the workout routine. What was most surprising to me was that the training was very intense on my glutes. But I won’t be complaining if I get both a high vertical jump and a great physique out of this.

Vert shock Week 1 Exercises

The first week of the program is called the Pre-Shock Phase and it is meant to stimulate your body and get it ready for the next 7 weeks of training. The best thing about Vert Shock is that you never have to go to the gym. All workouts can be done without any equipment except one thing, a basketball, which I’m assuming you have once since you plan on dunking.

I worked out for 3 days intensely before taking a break for a day, and then repeating the same routine once more for 3 more days. That’s 6 days a week in total.

Vert shock cds

Vert shock summary

The vert shock program is a core course to the point and delivers the 9-15 inch  promise in 8 weeks from personal experience ! check my full Review Here

My Rating

4.6/5 stars

The first two days of training concentrated on exercises related to jumping. It is, however, based on various aspects. Some are targeted towards speed and plyometrics. Others target power and strength. On the third day, you are required to do a full body workout targeted specifically towards core strength.

Depth Jump

Depth Jumps

I usually do my workouts in the afternoon after classes, knowing that I will be sore after. Each workout took me approximately one hour including warm-up and cooldown. It was a change from laying in bed all day like I used to.

Regarding the warm-ups: it is important to go through with them, so you don’t pull any muscles or cause any injuries.

I could easily summarize my first week impression into the following:

  • Workouts take about an hour (includes warm-up and cool down)
  • You do not need to go to the gym
  • It focuses on intensity, speed and explosiveness
  • You can feel the results from the first week of training

My Vert shock Results in The First Week (Week 1)

I did not expect to see any immediate results after only the first week. To my surprise, I can hardly walk. My body is completely sore. I’m having a bit of a hard time getting used to the workout program, but I hope with constant practice, I will be getting the hang of it.

So far, I am really enjoying the workouts and I am hoping to see more and better results once I’m not as sore. I’m looking forward to the following weeks of training.